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Posts: 1932


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Q: What is a Personal Attack on this Site?

A couple weeks ago I wrote a post suggesting that a certain poster was a robot. I suggested that he probably had super-robot strength, and I further suggested that if I were to present it with a simple logical paradox, à la Star Trek, it would either short circuit or say, 'Is this the hu-man emotion you call love?' I meant it as a joke. Obviously.

That was the first time, to my memory, that I had ever acknowlged or posted about that person.

I woke up the next morning to find that he had written about five lengthy essays about how I had slandered him with the most brutal and vicious personal attack he had ever experienced. I've talked to war vets, who had their commarades die around them and who had been shot or injured by shrapnel, who were less bitter, damaged, and tormented. If I knew it would have hurt his feelings. I wouldn't have said anything. Honestly, I've never met a person with such thin skin.

Anyway, since then, he's called me an alcoholic, redneck, divorced, violent, criminal, sociopathic, stupid, idiotic, slovenly, lumpenproletariat, uneducated, illiterate, crass, wife-beating, China-hating, filthy, conspiratorial, sock-puppet-using, megalomaniac, drug-attickted, drug-dealing, alcholic, poor, malnourished, mentally disabled, insane bad teacher. He threatened to call the police on me, he threatened to have me permanently deported from China, he said that I would go to hell (religiously, for blasphemy), he insulted my country, and he's made some rather ugly remarks about my marriage as well. I'll admit I trolled a bit of that out of him, but only because it's like watching a car wreck. A human car wreck. It's so disgusting but I just can't stop watching.

So, here are a few questions: What's a personal attack? Some light-weight teasing of a new poster, or all that stuff up there? Why do I have to be the grown-up in the relationship, and patiently tolerate all of his personal attacks, which he posts on an hourly basis?

12 years 34 weeks ago in  General  - China

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Okay. I'll be the first. Keep in mind, kchur, that some people have absolutely no sense of humor. What is intended in jest, others take straight to the heart, bypassing the mind, which in most, is the seat of reason.

Add to the situation, the ease of posting on the internet without a grand sense of accountability (such as, a face-to-face encounter), and people find themselves possessing all manner of "Dutch courage;" the result being that the slightest percieved insult turns into a free for all.

There are little options available. The first is to be the grown-up, and either ignore the person, block them, or when they go on a fresh rant, report him. The second option is to play tit-for-tat, escalating the verbiage until the temporary banning of both parties ensues.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating, and that is not everyone here is playing with a full deck. I can point this out, realizing that sometimes I'm missing a few Jokers myself. But, that is what makes it so entertaining. And, a little frustrating at times.

A personal attack avoids confronting the issue at hand and finds fault with the person, but I think you knew that. What you described falls into that catagory, and I would doubt if the person has any real power to carry out any of the deportation or reporting to authorities as described, as I'm sure you realize, also.

I guess I said all of the above to say, "Relax, have fun, and don't argue with idiots. Remember, ignorance can be taught, stupidity is forever." wink

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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I've noticed that some Chinese posters on this site take this forum way too seriously. They can't understand humour, get offended easily and start numerous threads on one subject mostly - bad laowais in fights and prisons. Most of the times, they can't have a proper discussion and when presented with valid arguments   they start picking on bad grammar, spelling, etc.

My advise? Ignore the trolls. They crave attention.

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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I think you already know what a personal attack is. You were banned for at least one, and have had numerous posts deleted for numerous other attacks on many people.

As example, making a thinly veiled threat to shoot somebody between the eyes could be construed by some as a very violent personal attack. The admin on this site chastised you for it, and banned you. Your tirades show a person out of control.

This is made all the more disturbing by the fact that your YouTube site is almost totally about guns, with many statements by you about those guns that are almost like a zeolot praying to God. As an ex-cop, I would almost bet money I am not the only one that has a concern about that. Nor that anybody on this site are the ones you should really be worried about.


Who was that I threatened to want to have shot again?

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Wait, my youtube?

12 years 34 weeks ago
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as someone who has been pulled over by cops 4 times in a 10 day span simply for driving to my job in a newish hyundai elantra at 11pm (i was a counselor at a group home) what retard is going to think "OMLGG he is going to kill me and he dont even know who i am or where i am or what i look like, but i am afraid for my life"

12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Anything that goes "you are just...", "your wife/sister/mother/..." etc.  It is especially low when one attacks someones significant other.

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Personal attacks are rampant on this site, both aggressively and passive/aggresively. I have noticed that most of the outright aggressive attacks occur in retaliation of a string of passive/aggressive attacks. 

The P/A attacks are meant to bait and are often successful. Unfortunately, it's the retaliations that get noticed by the higher-ups more so than the master baiters.



So true! Kinda like in High School, when the bullied kid hits the bully, the question always is "Who threw the first punch?" and never the follow-up question "Why?".

12 years 34 weeks ago
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you read my playbook!!!!!!

12 years 34 weeks ago
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"...the master baiters."

Good set up.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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kchur: your an A$$hole every post you make is flat out offensive to retards, you are an awful human. you wouldnt know a personal attack if it bite you while calling you a "french whore"

(sorry flashback)



12 years 34 weeks ago
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This is what I <3 about this site... you can attack, get it over with, then kiss and make up :)

12 years 34 weeks ago
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3 up votes in 7 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!! i smell answer of the day!!!!!!!!

12 years 34 weeks ago
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yeah, good luck with that. Just sayin....

12 years 34 weeks ago
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i've made close to 2000 posts never once answer of day just once once once so i can die in peace

12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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if you yell racial slurs at someone who is not of that particular race, is it still a hate crime!! ??? i'm hungover i meant question marks.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Sorry, I know this should be a comment but traveller said:

"This is made all the more disturbing by the fact that your YouTube site is almost totally about guns, with many statements by you about those guns that are almost like a zeolot praying to God."

What's my Youtube site? I don't have a VPN so I haven't seen youtube in years. Wat de fug you talkin bout dude?

By the by, I've never touched a gun in my life. You may have me confused with dangerous gangsta rapper Ice Cube.


traveler likes to google your username and see what he comes up with. Then he finds your old blog and FLICKR that haven't been updated since June and makes some snide remarks. haha. Police work fail.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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BNinja: Your old blog also linked to your new blog, which in turns links to just about everything about you on the net. You think you have anonymity on here, so come forth spewing venom. Just remember, every post leaves your personal electronic DNA. Try to play nicely. I can see from your posts here and elsewhere that you are very inexperienced, and very disillusioned. If I can find these posts, then others, like Chinese cops, can as well. Tone it down a bit, before you attract unwanted attention from people you really don't want attention from.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Kchur. Your last question, a couple of days ago, referred inclusively to "rednecks" and seemed to complain about Liberals taking "our" guns away (again, you used the inclusive when referring to ownership of the guns).

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Well, some dude called me a redneck a bunch of times because I mentioned Van Halen, so I said "Libruls wanna take our riffles." I also said I hunt swamp skeeter, don't trust men from North Alabama, have polecats in my chicken coop, forage for food, grew up in a hollowed out water heater, ate old man's beard and pit-cooked rat obtained by my cousin-brother etc etc. Respectively, detective, how much more obvious does it have to be before you realize I'm just taking the piss?

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Kchur: What colour is the sky in your world?

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Blue, grey if it's cloudy, or brownish red on a bad pollution day. Please stay on topic.

12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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