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Q: What is your biggest pet peeve about china or Chinese people?

Most things don’t really bother me in china. Like the cheating, the toilets, the driving, the starring, the spitting ...ect. These don’t dont really get under my skin. The one thing that does is....people who eat and don’t close their mouth when they chew... and worse is when they try to talk to you with their mouth full of food. This disgust me. I’m at a dinner the other day with some of my wife’s family and I just lost my appetite. This one woman would not speak unless she had a mouth full of food.... just like pigs at the slop bucket. There is nothing more nasty. I’d rather watch an old man shit on the sidewalk then have dinner with someone who does not close their mouth when they eat. Just that fucking smacking noise coming from then just hits me the wrong way.


so what’s your biggest pet peeve?

6 years 22 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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6 years 22 weeks ago
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I would definitely say the yelling and the staring at foreigners.


你说什么?! 我听不到你!!1! Nǐ shuō shénme?! Wǒ tīng bù dào nǐ!!1!

6 years 22 weeks ago
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6 years 22 weeks ago
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Yeah, the smacking and slurping drive me nuts too, but the biggest peeve for me is the yelling.  I just can't figure it out!  Stand less than a meter away and yell to speak.  Yell in the phone like other is deaf.  I live on the 8th floor and I hear them outside talking (yelling),,,  haha,, That really trips me out!   and it doesn't matter Who, Where, What time,,,, they yell instead of speak.  WTF?



Have a look at yesterday's this: 'Warning! Disturbing-GRAPHIC!'

it doesn't look kid was yelling, but response on social media is interesting ...

6 years 22 weeks ago
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Bruce Lee is back! 

6 years 22 weeks ago
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The couple who appeared by the end of the vid look like parents ... all concerned and what not, buTT ... where have you (mom&pop) been while kid was kicking the dude ... The guy overreacted, but the most blame for all is on parents ...

6 years 22 weeks ago
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yeah,, lots of moms/pops seem to always be there to control the kid after the incident has already occured.  I've been around a lot of screaming kids on the metro/bus, but I have never had one kicking on me.  But I think I would just get up and walk away.  I might want to body-slam the little prick just like that guy did, but I have learned to control my temper pretty well in years here.  One fight in China in 10 years!  Pretty darn good record!  and that was like my first year here.

6 years 22 weeks ago
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If you speak Mandarin pretty well, just tell the loud mouth to speak louder because my friend in the bus behind us can't hear very well.laugh

6 years 22 weeks ago
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Total and complete lack of spatial awareness.

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Nothing really bothers me much, however, the Chinese superpower of being able to randomly meander into your path if you attempt to pass them on the footpath. You can try to be clever and time it right but you will still fail can be a lttle frustrating.

Oh and one more....complete lack of awareness of consequences.

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6 years 22 weeks ago
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smoking in the gym 

smoking around children and in lifts and shops,smokers here just have no thought for other people.

the way people drive or ride ebikes


I have a special loathing for smokers who do that.

6 years 22 weeks ago
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I can’t really say much since i am a casual smoker myself ...and will smoke at places I will not or can not in my country. My rules are don’t smoke around kids , I won’t smoke in any public building like a hospital or place like that. I will smoke in dirty restaurants though ... but only if I’m with chinese people. And anywhere outside in public is fair game. As unhealthy as it is, it’s a great way to meet people, well men mostly. It’s good to have chinese friends other the woman. You know it’s funny now that I think about it I can probably count on both my hands how many woman I know smoke here in china. Not counting the skanks at the bar. And for men I think 99% of the men I’ve met smoked....or at least will smoke when given one. In my country woman smoke just as much as the men do. So it seems odd to me here the woman don’t really smoke.

6 years 22 weeks ago
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I'm in love when Chinese girls smoke

6 years 21 weeks ago
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If she smokes, she pokes.

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No one action really stands out for me except maybe the spitting on the floor in public places. The first time I saw a guy noisily drag up a snotter from the depths of his soul and spit it on a restaurant floor I literally couldn't believe what I was seeing. I'd never seen anything like that before - wasn't even aware that people would spit inside. On the street is one thing but on the floor of a restaurant, bus, school or whatever... that blew me away.


I'd say my peeve is more of an attitude. It's the 'me me the universe revolves around me and complete disregard for anyone else' attitude that is probably at the heart of most of the usual complaints people have.


Things like pushing in to the front of a queue, thinking it's ok to light up a cigarette under a no smoking sign in a hospital or crowded elevator, dishonesty, littering, doing something utterly stupid or dishonest then playing the victim when the consequences bite you on the arse - the people who disregard warning signs and fences at zoos then try to sue the zoo then a tiger mauls them jump to mind here or the idea that you can blindly walk into busy traffic and when a car hits you because the driver has no possible way of stopping in time you deserve compensation from the driver for some reason, happily breaking any and every rule then sniveling and crying when others do the same thing....






well said man

6 years 22 weeks ago
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Haha, reading it again now it looks more like a rant


I do feel like that attitude is what makes China the way it is though.

6 years 22 weeks ago
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Yep for sure. This is spot on. The queue thing I’ve just come to expect to be the last one on or off of anything in China. I just refuse to be a dick about it. Although I do give them a condescending stare and shake my head in disappointment...

6 years 22 weeks ago
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That's pretty much my approach too (not that it makes any difference) because like you say, why be a dick when you can just turn the other cheek and anyway, I like to think I'm above pushing and shoving just to get on a bus or whatever before everyone else.


If people try to physically push me out of the way though I'll push back. Not in an aggressive way or anything but I can be just as weasely when it comes to jostling for my place in the queue and I'm usually taller and stronger than the line jumper. I have a technique and everything now, I sort of gently deflect them with my arm and slide back into my place in the line while pretending not to notice them.

6 years 22 weeks ago
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The general insecurity that translates into childishness and totally unnecessary/unwanted d*ck-waving contests. E.g. I'm just minding my own business at a coffee terrace when some dude sits in front of me, look at me from head to toes, then tell something to his friend before giggling and leaving. In most countries this sort of behavior is expected in a middle school playground, but in China it seems perfectly acceptable for grown men (and women) to act like insecure little kids, because anyone who took some philosophy classes on human behavior will know that this sort of thing translates into extreme insecurity. To me it's just annoying, don't such people have anything better to do with their life than to bother strangers?


You know I’ve never had that happen to me. No one has ever come up to me in front of my face and looked me up and down and started giggling. Now they will do this from afar. ..... even take pictures like I don’t notice.  I think I’m too intimidating looking for someone to do that here...though from a safe distance they sure will point and say some dumb shit like a bunch of 10 year old school girls. 

6 years 22 weeks ago
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Yeah there is the possibility that you look too intimidating to them, I am beefy and tall but overall I look like a nice guy. There is also the possibility that they don't see you as serious competition over resources and women, because it's male nature to compete over these and humans are barely any better than animals in that regard.

6 years 22 weeks ago
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That could be the case... it also would make me an easy target for them to wave their dick around and show how cool they are to their friends. Bullies are very insecure, that’s why they mock and tease people they assume are easy targets to their face.....or like you said, maybe they think I’m not any competition for them. Which in that case makes my job a lot easier.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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 The mindless and inconsiderate and habitual honking of horns torques my jays.  Take for instance the driver of the car that’s 9th in line at the red traffic light.  Even though he has to wait for the other 8 cars to start moving before he can drive forward, he honks his horn the second the light turns green, thereby demonstrating the Chinese virtue of patience.  Methinks he does that because:  a) he believes the traffic system is another video game, and he gets more points if he is the first to press his horn button as soon he sees the green light flash; or b) he suspects from past experiences that 7 of the 8 drivers in front of him are too busy playing with their cell phones to notice the light had changed.  Then of course there is all the honking that takes place as a substitute for actually using safe driving skills.  And there are those delivery drivers and other lobotomized Yangists on e-bikes that continually hold the horn button down with their thumbs, even if and especially if there are no other vehicles or people anywhere near them on the road.  Apparently, this demonstrates good riding form.  It only takes 1 driver with 1 horn to disturb the peace and quiet of 1000 other people.  Praise be to Buddha.


A side note:  So many of you at this site profess to be against racism, but isn’t this listing of things that peeve you about China / Chinese engendering racism?


I had a neighbor who would have a taxi go to his house every night at about 2a.m, maybe they were drivers changing shifts or something. Every night the taxi would pull up and lean on the horn until the guy went downstairs.


Sometimes another neighbor would yell something out the window.. probably something like 'shut the fock up you idiot' and the driver would shriek abuse back at him like he had done nothing wrong and was being victimized for nothing.


I don't like the way horns are used either.

6 years 22 weeks ago
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criticizing behavior is not racism, it's called forced shaming evolution, although if you carry it too far, you get a brown gay atheist hermaphrodite as the end product for every one on earth playing with sex robots on virtual computer games, a happy ending for mankind.

6 years 22 weeks ago
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I had a neighbor in the Philippines that liked to show off his Benz by blowing the horn for the maid to open the gate at 4 am every night after his KTV whore house closed and he went home with one of his girls.


The next vacation he took out of town, someone gassed the servants, dragged them still alive into the street and burned down his house and left a live pig with food living in his car on the street for the week he was gone. The police and myself really felt sorry for the pig, so we cooked it in the street and had a street party and I bought the beer, 4 kegs as I recall. Lechong and San Miguel all day.

6 years 22 weeks ago
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I should have my own horn repair service here in china, I’d be a millionaire lol. 


On on your side note I never thought about it racist until you mentioned it. I guess it could be taken like that. Although everything mentioned in this thread is shit people put up with multiple times a day... it’s not just a one off. There always going to be over sensitive people who claim every is racist(not you, just in general) . 

6 years 22 weeks ago
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The one that makes me want to go postal is the long distance buses with big truck air horns when they get in the city and off the highway blowing it at a taxi that is loading or unloading because they lost 3 seconds to a traffic light that is red anyway and they always blow the horn next to a bus stop full of people waiting on a city bus. It makes me want to drag his ass off the bus and quarter him and drag his remains to the 4 winds, North,South,East, and West.


I love long distance bus ride in China. However, one must be well equipped ... i-Pod, earplugs is a must on every public transportation in China.

I ride bus once from Shenzhen to Fuzhou ... on the front (sleeping) seat ... Driver was horning like a madman ...

Most buses and vans in China have 'home-made-TOO-powerful horns .... Lack of proper vehicle regulation.

6 years 22 weeks ago
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Pollyanna expats. 


Wow! I can drink alcohol in public and buy fried rice with expired meat cooked in gutter oil with piss and poop for 5RMB! 10/10 China best country ever!

6 years 21 weeks ago
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the smoking indoors or in elevators, the yelling instead of normal talking, the spitting on the street

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Having more than 1 girlfriend and getting blamed for it.

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Everything, everything, everything, everything and my own stupidity for getting caught up here by getting married and having kids. Roll on next year and repatriation.

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They operate on "the baby who cries gets the milk" principle. It refers to screaming and pretending to be weak to elicit sympathy to have your demands met in daily life. The cartoon in this link (their encyclopaedia) depicts this strategy well. There is also a brief explanation of how it works. Practically the entire China knows and applies this strategy to perfection since they have been using it since kindergarten.


Honking is one application of this.  


A side benefit is that high pitched sound is a well-known, effective torturing tool employed by interrogators.  It is  one of commies' favorite traditional interrogation  tools as it costs next to nothing. A fork and plate is all you need.


The worst part about the Chinese is what they are brainwashed in school, as early as kindergarten --- Only Winning Matters, Means are Irrelevant, Morality is Hypocrisy, Fight till Death.


To win we must be worse than the enemy. When the enemy lie which all of them do we lie even more, be better than the evil capitalists, foreign imperialists and  devils.  Their virtues are nothing more than hypocrisy, we must be MORE treacherous, cruel, evil to WIN. We learn their secret technology, steal their guns, but we will never learn these hypocrites' thinking. We outsmart them, be worse than them.


This has been taught in school since 1949 and they are still teaching it.  The result of this downward spiraling war is the production of the most treacherous and sadistic lifeform on this planet.


The Chinese realize that doing anything to "win" is how you get ahead. A moral person or a righteous person is at a disadvantage in this world since they play by a set of rules, where other people don't, they don't have any rules since anything goes. If everyone played by the rule then it would be no problem and everyone could have a fair shake. Since they don't, you do in most cases have to stupe to their level because if not, you will lose whatever game you're playing. 

6 years 21 weeks ago
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Exactly. Start a small business in China and you get to experience it first hand. The system is geared to promote a criminal mindset and actions. If you are a teacher, checkout 1) the school rules, 2) when someone breaks it what is the actual punishment? What kind of students graduate from this kind of education system? Same goes with the legal system. CCP is above it, no independent judiciary. Rule by man, not law. Clean judge? Say goodbye to your career and possibly, head.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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I kind of like certain aspects of this mentality. It lets me get ahead more with this type of thought. I was sort of bad anyway in my own country but condemned for it, and no one blinks an eye at it here.  I find in the west you're fucked either way, it too established and law driven. You can be a nice guy in the west and still get fucked over, be a bad guy get fucked over. Here at least you can be bad and not suffer the consciences like where I'm from.


There are a few things here you stay far away from. Social disturbances, political anything, hard drugs, violence and murder. Pretty much anything else is fair game....and even some of that stuff is fair game to certain people.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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I call this the Mafia society, aother term is caveman society.  Law of the Jungle, animalism, except 999999x worse.  Animals are saints, relatively.


This is why they look down upon the civilised ones, the intellectuals and think highly of Hitler who screwed the Jews (the weaklings by their definition).  Ask them what they think of Hitler. They  pick on the "weak" and bully the homeless (my post).


SME peasant-like factory bosses, many of whom ex-peasants, called nongs still trash intellectuals,  "I no study, I drive Mercede.  You study you work for me. I own you". When they need something from you they can kiss your ass, literally. See what happens when you need something from them........ Law of the Jungle at its worst. Even Africans look down upon the Chinese, someone working there with Huawei says.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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To be fair there are exceptions, the "awaken ones" in every age group. They are in the extreme minority. In all likelihood you would not bump into them on the streets. Someone did an estimation of the low-end group (their new term), this group comprises 89% of the population.


Among the high-end group are doctors, lawyers, bank analysts.....etc.  Born gifted they graduate from the local Tier 1 universities, earned their entrance by their own effort and not through their old men's positions in the CCP (these ones treat Beijing U which most of them attend as their private club and hunting ground as their father own the university).


The vast majority of the younger ones in this group are lining up to leave China which they know there is no hope in their lifetime. If they read our conversations and other comments they would say, "agree".  A few, extremely talented, have left their job and gone back to their village in rural China, becoming farmers, taking the other path so to speak. The older ones say to those younger ones, "Go, leave this sad place".   I heard them said that personally.  This is the only group in China that is worth salvaging, or importing.  

6 years 21 weeks ago
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6 years 21 weeks ago
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1. Adults spitting in supermarkets, metro stations, and schools.

2. Bad breath and hair odor.

3. Coughing and sneezing without cover.

4. The nasty Asian-styled toilets with blood spattered everywhere.

5. The overall lack of personal hygiene such as not washing hands with soap after using the restroom.

6. Finding hair in my food 75% of the time.

7. Kids using the toilet outside.

8. Seeing babies with the open split in their pants that reveal their naked behinds.

9. The fact that Chinese men really think they have a chance.

10. Western Caucasoid men who say ¨Chinese women are sooo cute dude!!¨ when in reality most of them are average and below.


Pretty good list.... except 9 and 10.... so you don’t like chinese guys and think the girls are just average at best...and white guys who think Chinese girls are cute? Basiacally you don’t like any man of any race in china by the sounds of it. I never met one western man in china who did not have a thing for Asian woman, it’s either 1 or 2 of the top reasons they come here. 


Although most of the western girls I met have either been extremely overweight,crazy cat ladies,  very bad hygiene or just plain psycho. The ones I like the most are the hippy traveller white chicks with dreadlocks Who end up making out with chinese girls when they are drunk. Those girls are fun to party with.... although they fall under the bad hygiene section too.


Something can be said about western men here though, the white privileged guy who think they are Gods , the ones who get by simply by where they are from and the colour of their skin . Most are very anti social when it comes to talking to other western males but with chinese they act like king shit. The black guys who become hateful to everyone because they are jealous of the treatment white people get and how they are treated by locals.... although this I do feel sympathetic for...since their reasons for acting like that are valid... it’s just makes them too resentful to hang around.


Hey I’m a bit bias here since I think Asian woman are hot as fuck. And if you don’t mind me asking what kind of men do you like? 99.999% of males in Asia seem to be a pet peeve of yours.

Oh and one more thing... where do you live or go that the bathrooms have blood spattered everywhere?? Shit and piss sure... but blood? I’ve never seen that.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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I am only attracted to Melanated American men who are pro-Black and conscious. I have a Melanated American guy here who is trying to talk to me but he is not pro-Black and he loves China for some reason.


Chinese women leave their menstrual blood everywhere in the restrooms: on the floor and on the toilet. They leave their bloody tissue and napkins right on top of the trash can instead of trying to conceal it by folding it or wrapping it.  Every time I go into a public restroom, I see blood everywhere. They will also squat over somebody else's sh*t and spit in the restrooms. 


I have been to quite a few countries and by far Chinese women have the worst hygiene and manners. I do not even use the restrooms at one of my campuses which has three public restrooms because there is always blood, sh*t, and spit everywhere with no soap. I do not even sit in the teacher's offices at my campuses because there is usually loud talking, smacking, burping, coughing, and odors. 

6 years 21 weeks ago
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So you're attracted to racist black guys? I say that because if a white man identified as "Pro-white" he would be called a racist kkk fuck ect.ect.. So I cant see why a black guy would not have the same label. Why does he have to be pro-black? That's a weird thing to be into. I sure the guy you like likes china because of the pussy, just like every other guy. 


I suppose i dont use the woman washrooms so I guess I dont see that blood. 

6 years 21 weeks ago
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@tfuller87   I am afraid with both sexes of any race only a handful can really be qualified as striking enough to be actors and actresses, who often enough are not that good looking when they go naked, or worse, suddenly look ugly when you start a conversation with them. This is especially the case with Chinese girls.


The Chinese's hygiene awareness is a reflection of their selfishness.  Visit their home and go to their bathroom, you will see a different picture.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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6 years 21 weeks ago

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The resentful Western chicks you come across who hate that they often can't compete in the looks dept with the local girls. 


I think the local girls get a kick out of it though.


I think those girls are hilarious!

Especially when you get the grossly overweight ones who think they should be really attractive 'cos they are white and a bit of a novelty in a city with not too many white chicks. Then they find out that they are just as undesired here, if not more so, than they were at home. Then they get a bad attitude. I have seen it on a few occasions and also very, very recently with a girl who is here simply because she is nothing back home (Saffer) and actually starting asking her colleagues to set her up with a Chinese guy.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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Actually to be honest mate I really can't remember ever meeting anyone like that, I've heard of  it though and always just think those girls are in the wrong place. It's certainly not a pet peeve of mine.


My post was more a reaction to another post here than anything.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77