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Q: What's the best way to tell your Chinese GF it's over?

Is QQ acceptable?  How about SMS?  Voicemail?
A very public place to avoid a scene?
I have nightmares about her stalking me.  Should I just have her come over when I am with another girl to make her so pissed off she ends it with me?  I have doubts that this would even work.
Any creative ideas?  I need an escape.

12 years 39 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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1st,ignore her,if she asks you why ignore her? then tell her that you are busy.
2nd,after she gets too angry or sad,then tell her gentlely that you could not give her a good future as she expects.
3rd,if she really loves you,and she really wants you,then tell her bread is more important than love,tell her you cannot buy her a house for her because no body knows the future.
4th,if she cries.then tell her dont cry baby,i will love you and be with you, but you need to think about your future carefully.
in the end, hold her tightly and kiss her softly. And say: good luck for you baby.
---all of these better  done in a quiet and romantic place. And don't hurt her and use rude tone,otherwise, she will think something bad…and the result will be horrible…
Anyways, since you want to leave that chinese girl, there must be some critical reasons, so you know how to do in your situation.
Aboved are only for suggestions. I guess the chinese girls who date with the foreigners are not that stupid to understand his intension.


p.s. : if the 3rd & 4th change into : ”  honey, because you cannot buy me a house and you cannot marry me now” . then it would be my answer  for the question “ how to tell your foreign BF it is over ” smiley


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12 years 36 weeks ago
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tell her you have no intention of buying  a house, ever. thtas even worse than having herpes.

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12 years 38 weeks ago
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Play freebird. It's actually pretty touching.


If she could understand the song (properly) that would be a great idea.

12 years 38 weeks ago
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12 years 38 weeks ago
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yeah thats good idea do sowink

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12 years 37 weeks ago
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I guess she's a very agressive type coz you even have nightmares hahaha.
Well have the guts to say it face to face and then leave the city you are living now coz changing lock woul'nt work. Chink girls are hmmmm not all but let's say 80% of them turn out scandalous when it comes to this matter. 


"Chink girls"??!! You do know that is racist, right?

12 years 37 weeks ago
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ahh relax ya cracker

12 years 36 weeks ago
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No, not where racism is concerned.

12 years 36 weeks ago
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12 years 37 weeks ago


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Be honest as possible and do say things like I won't marry you so there is no point to be together. Make sure she understands you really mean you will not marry her and do not want to date her. Don't call her ever. You can't be friends in China after a relationship. Don't go to places you know she goes, don't go around her at all if possible. Don't answer texts no matter what they say. Be final and consistent and don't let her think sex will make you take her back. there are lots of girls in China if you want to get laid, don't do sloppy seconds if you really want to be rid of her.

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12 years 36 weeks ago
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Breaking up in a public place here means getting a good scene with plenty of humiliation, so that's off the list.
What I did with my extremely possesive/nuts ex-girlfriend/present-stalker was tell her I was cheating on her and wanted a breakup, but she refused to leave, so I had to throw her stuff out the door (because she moved in quickly without asking) and lock her out. She was 26 and unemployed, I was a 17 highschooler, and I lived with my parents... She stopped spamming me and my parents phone calls and text messages after we all changed numbers, and she stopped waiting near my building's door when we moved to another place. There's more, it'll be for another time.
She eventually finds a way to search informations about my current location, such as creating fake QQ addresses, or fake facebook accounts.
If your current girlfriend is the same kind of nuts as her and you haven't broken up yet, then you're going to LOVE it.

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12 years 36 weeks ago
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1st,ignore her,if she asks you why ignore her? then tell her that you are busy.
2nd,after she gets too angry or sad,then tell her gentlely that you could not give her a good future as she expects.
3rd,if she really loves you,and she really wants you,then tell her bread is more important than love,tell her you cannot buy her a house for her because no body knows the future.
4th,if she cries.then tell her dont cry baby,i will love you and be with you, but you need to think about your future carefully.
in the end, hold her tightly and kiss her softly. And say: good luck for you baby.
---all of these better  done in a quiet and romantic place. And don't hurt her and use rude tone,otherwise, she will think something bad…and the result will be horrible…
Anyways, since you want to leave that chinese girl, there must be some critical reasons, so you know how to do in your situation.
Aboved are only for suggestions. I guess the chinese girls who date with the foreigners are not that stupid to understand his intension.


p.s. : if the 3rd & 4th change into : ”  honey, because you cannot buy me a house and you cannot marry me now” . then it would be my answer  for the question “ how to tell your foreign BF it is over ” smiley


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12 years 36 weeks ago
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Well, in the end I was honest and did it in private.  I was a nice guy, and it was not easy to do.  The first attempt was a failure, but the second time appears to have worked.
No attempted manslaughter just alot of yelling and crying.
We will see soon if she stalks or not.
I just wish I had a bottle a tequila right now....bah.


I'm sorry Dude :(

12 years 34 weeks ago
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Wahaha I really hope you don't get stalked as well. Well, now it's my turn to break up with mine, wish me luck :(

12 years 34 weeks ago
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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Did you start with "It's not you its me".

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12 years 34 weeks ago
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Dude, I am proud of you for finally doing it.  Was the demand for the Iphone the deal sealer?   Either way.... if you ever make your way to my little village, there is a cold beer waiting for you for finally taking the step.


Thanks man...yes the Iphone was the clincher.

12 years 33 weeks ago
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12 years 33 weeks ago
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just tell her that ur visa is expired... lol

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12 years 33 weeks ago
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Bingoooo..I just broke with my GF saying that we have differences in many things and I am not going to stay in China for long. I made her to listen the song of Bob D. (it ain'g me babe). We  have differences in bed. We have differences on how we present ourselves outside. Somehow I managed to discuss calmy with my ex-gf about these issues. We told our expectations and where we can compromise.

though i want to be completely free of her, see sends me sms time to time and talks on QQ that she misses me. Instead of getting upset I tell her that it is all right and it happens but we have to move along and she is free to talk anything except so called LOVE.

It has been 3 weeks but we meet for dinner only about once a week so that she can be normalized. I have clearly said her that we are not in a relationship anymore so I don't ask her to come to my place and no touching also. I gave a hint that I am seeing another girl (hahaha..though i haven't started). With all my ex-gf I follow similar procedures. I let the things go smoothly and somehow we are good friends now and we talk with each other about our new GF or BF. 

May be I am lucky that though she hasn't returned my Key, she is not coming anymore.

And I am happy that i am able to change her mentality slightly that "she has to feel herself stronger, do some of her stuff by herself. Don't let your man or expect from your man do everything for you: bringing water on bed, doing everything at home, pay for everything etc trying to be a princes. It will make her weak at times when there is a argument in the future. She must feel equal with man and ready to compete for equality." She agreed on it. Now she hates me in a positive way.

if they keep on stalking in order to be a girlfriend, best option is to ignore. let them shout, run after you but one they they will get tired and they will do it untill they don't find another "PERFECT MAN (as they always look for)". I think she is not afraid of present, not being able to get you. She is afraid of future that she might not get another right man. Once she finds another "PERFECT MAN," without doubt she will easily jump the boat.

Remember, this happens with Chinese man also. I had one colleague who used to cry in front of me missing her ex-bf. She wanted me to call him and tell him to call her back. It went for about 2 months. I tried to calm her saying that she will get another one so just need to be patient. At the end she came to the point that she will demand at least 10,000 RMB from him for her service to that ex-bf. Suddenly she found another man better than previous one and she stopped demanding anything from ex-bf.

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12 years 16 weeks ago
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Gaaaaah I'm supposed to break up with mine this week, because I'll be going back to France this August (live there... ugh) and I don't want to tell her at the last minute... Give me some motivation guys! :(


Motivation? You'll hurt her less in the long run the sooner you tell her. It will help her let go of you. Well, it should, unless she's the crazy type. You can calmly explain to her why you are leaving and how you really feel about her, rather than leaving and her always wondering if it was really her fault or not. 

12 years 16 weeks ago
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if you love her and the chemistry between both is fine (!!!!) then take her with you if she is ready to go... You don't need to search for anyone in France to srat fresh...just my idea anyway.....

in my case as i wrote about mine for break up, beside that we have differences; one reason was also that she is not willing to out of china with me as she wants to stay with her parents and in CHINA....and she wants me to stay here which I am not willing to do in the long run...




12 years 16 weeks ago
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Well not only does she not want to leave, but we've talked about it when we started going out together 3 years ago: If I go back, we break up.

Besides, I'm a student, and she doesn't speak a word of French to work there, so it wouldn't be possible if she wanted to go.

12 years 16 weeks ago
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tell her you're a spy

12 years 16 weeks ago
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tell her you are going back to your home country to visit your family. and that you will marry her , meet her family when you return. after about 6 days of staying in touch. ignore her for 2 weeks. then send a message claiming to be from your mother , informing the gf that you died in a car accident last week after being on life support for 1 week. 


this advice ain't free, pay up

12 years 16 weeks ago
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Haha thanks for the advices (especially Crimo's).

I told her I was leaving, we cried a long while, I tried to break up so that it would be easier for both of us, but couldn't.

I'm staying with her until I leave, to make some good memories, and I'll keep in touch with her in the future. I love her too much.

And with this, I wave goodbye to my tough guy front. Damnit.

12 years 16 weeks ago
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Like the Nike commercial, JUST DO IT!

11 years 35 weeks ago
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12 years 16 weeks ago
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Ask to borrow her iPhone and walk away and never give it back.

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12 years 16 weeks ago
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the best way to end any relationship is that start avoiding and ignoring the people you dont like it doesn't only work with Chinese but every where ,jus try two simple things start 1)avoiding 2)ignoring

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12 years 16 weeks ago
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I'm certainly going to break up with my chinese bf. I'm plan is to write an email. That will do it!!!

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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Leave her a post-it note, like Berger did to Carrie in sex in the city! That way, she thinks you're a jerk and wants nothing to do with you in the future! Also this will teach her about how valuable post-it notes were before technology took over. Wink

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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  Say it with flowers and give her a triffid.

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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Wait until you are in the 'throes of passion' and then tell her, the resulting 'explosion' should make for an interesting end to the relationship!angel

Of course make sure there is nothing in reach that can be used as a weapon!

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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You should simply tell her that it's over. It's not in the words that you are guaranteed the success of breaking with her but in what you are doing afterwards. That means, disconnect from her, prevent her to approach you either through messaging or emailing you, calling you or anything else. No shrewdness could make her believe you're done with her but the blunt and simple truth that indeed it's over. Unless you don't believe that it is over, I see no reason to fear she would keep stalking you. Either way, if in your heart, that it's clear, she will understand it  and will let you go. A stalker, believes that you're wrong and as long as she thinks this way, she will try to convince you that it is not over, that you're wrong and sort of things like that. But I don't understand why would you think of her stalking you. Anyway, let us know how did it go. Anything you do, do it always in terms of respect for her and for yourself. 

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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OK, I see I was late in the way it evolved the story. I didn't read the previous answers and yours about how you broke up with her. It seems you both are now fine. Great. 

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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Old thread but from what I learned from ECC weird news stories is that you should invite her to a hotel room. You should try and break up with her. She is then supposed to try and rape and/or murder you. I hope this information helps.

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8 years 36 weeks ago
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The best way? You'll have to define what you mean by the best first. whether you want to end it peacefully so that you can still be friends, or you want to end it in a way that you'll never need to hear from her again, or you want to hurt her the least, or you want to look as innocent as you can be for breaking up with her, or you want to 'eat the cake and have it too', by which I mean you can break up with her while still get sex/companionship and don't have to give a commitment... 

Basically, if you don't want this to end ugly, you need to point out a major conflict between you 2 that can never be fixed but it's no one's fault. Such as... 

I'm allergic to you. If you know you are allergic to something, take some before every time you go and meet her. It's no one's fault, and it cannot be fixed.

 Personally, I'd just be myself, and they'd be over me before I knew it. And I would strongly recommend anyone to try that. :P 


Good thoughts!


I'm usually myself, so never have the break-up problem in the first place... (of course, not having the girlfriend is then the other problem :p)

8 years 36 weeks ago
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Not having a girlfriend is not so much a problem as why to not to have one.


Sometimes, the real problem could simply be you are too popular to have one girlfriend.


It is also the problem that everyone wants to have.



8 years 35 weeks ago
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I doubt the Dude even remembers who she was
must have been a few since this one
i think he gets iPads in bulk buys

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8 years 36 weeks ago
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