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Q: What's with the Thai Green Curry jar?

I cooked a Thai green curry tonight and it was too damn hot.

I'm a novice cook, at best.  I can't say I was confident the thing would turn out great, but I was hopeful.

I'd planned it fairly thoroughly and I reckon I gave it my best shot.

The four recipes I checked out on the internet advised using between 1 and 3 tablespoons of curry paste.  I used 4.

This was a mistake as it turned out too hot.  The two ladies with me did fairly well but I couldn't go on after about half a dozen mouthfuls.  And the beer I was drinking only exacerbated the fire in my mouth.

The brand I used must be the hottest in the world.  Anyone else had a problem like this?

Any suggestions on how I can dilute the hotness so I don't have the chuck it out?  It's really colourful.


9 years 17 weeks ago in  Food  - China

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Try following the advice of the recipes next time.



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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Try following the advice of the recipes next time.



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9 years 17 weeks ago
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never cared for green curry myself... don't exactly hate it,,, but it does seem like eating grass or a tree or something...

now, regular Thai curry, or at least the regular u get up around Kalasin or somewhere else in Isann,  that's pretty good for once in a while.  all in all I'm not Crazy 4 Curry.

can't dilute it, just serve with more rice.

*that is a weird chemical reaction,,, anything spicy u eat,, a swig of cerveza makes it burn more.  logic be damned~

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Eat it when drunk. Imagine its a late night vindaloo.

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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I ordered a green curry at Wagas once. I couldn't eat it is was that hot. And I thought I could handle pretty spicy food. 

Just use less. It's not rocket science. Is it just me or is this a no brainer? 

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Add some water and cook slowly for some 10 -15'. If  curry is still too hot, you can add some veggi to the dissolved curry. I usually have frozen green peas or corn for such an 'occasions'. You could also add some meat (chicken or fish) to the mix.

Change beer with wine or scotch to cool down your swally.

'Add-it': 'mi fan', how could I forget that? Do you do (a-lot-of) 'mi fan' in Xin?

Boil some lightly salted rice. Make sure you don't overcook rice ( 'Al dente' is magical Italian word), especially if you have Italians among the guests. You might get murdered, if you serve cook-through-rice to Romans.

Mix rice and watered down curry, and you'll get edible (not spicy) risotto, or 'paella' as Spanish (Floridians) call this dish.

My 'cooking' part of the brain works only when am hungry.

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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If it's too hot for you , add extra coconut milk or water. 

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Toss a good amount of cooked rice in there and mix it all up. That'll dilute everything and triple the amount of food. 

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Add more coconut milk, as Thai curry is coconut milk based. 

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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cold milk is working for these accidents, just keep it for some time in a mouth, spit out, and again,

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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A good IPA will compliment Thai food. If it's hoppy enough it will cut through the spiciness of the food, even green curry.


International Phonetic Alphabet...????

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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You're 2 best solutions have been given to you - rice, and coconut milk/cream.


As well as just drinking milk instead of beer - but I presume that's out of the question Tongue


Also, for future reference, try going down a notch in your curry flavours... try the Red... Personally, I prefer flavour over spice, so I just use Yellow!


What you could also try... add more water, then after it's diluted the burn, scoop it out!

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Well, thanks a lot you mob for your advice.

I won't be able to exercise the more coconut milk/cream option because there's no chance I can buy it in this town.  (The can I did use I brought back from Aust with me last year, along with the jar of curry paste.)

What  I think I'll do is this....

1)  Buy a bottle of Turpan dry white wine.  Whack it in the fridge and give it about 4 hrs.

2)  Throw some more vegetables into the curry.  Eg;  celery, pak choy and corn (more bright colours).

3)  Put some more chicken stock in there.  About 500ml should do it.

4)  Cook up some more rice.


* I can be a bit of a dill, and not only in the kitchen, but in my defence I do like hot food and the recipes weren't uniform with their recommendations for the amount of curry paste I should use.  So I didn't think 4 tablespoons would be excessive. 

And I probably shouldn't have thrown in all those red chillies either...



Good cooking is a gift! You can't learn it, like I'm learning .....

I won't say whtangel, because you'll all say 'I'm stabbing you in the heart'.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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How to cook:


1st: disregard all recipes! No scales and other BS.

2nd: open the fridge, see what's inside, and 'start to cook'.


Imagine one piano player with musical notes attached, and another one, slightly drunk, just playing the tunes.

I'm thinking, if one isn't talented musician not even 1000 musical note books can help him to get good tune out of the assembly.


Another one (me) is 'cooking without musical notes'.angel

9 years 17 weeks ago
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DUDE!!! Where the hell are you that you can't get coconut milk??? Ever heard of Taobao?


Besides which, you'll probably be able to find a 'coconut drink' at the local supermarket. Sure, it's not the best thing out there for a good Thai dish, but it's better than nothing!


(Taobao also has lots of other pre-mix curry pastes, including Patak's for Indian, and Ayam brand for Thai).


But, if you're going online to buy, you may as well get right into it, and start from scratch... just buy the raw ingredients :D:D:D

9 years 17 weeks ago
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The closest Super is in Urumqi, some 'edit': 370 km away, so stop teasing! O2,o2

However, you can get alive sheep/goat as delivery to the housing complex. Farmers come with the truck full of animals, and tie them up for the trees and benches in the park, just below your window.  

Call the sheep dispatcher's ph. no. from your apartment on 19th floor and say: 'I want one tied up by the swing on the far L side of the park. Yeah, the greyish one.'  'meeeeeee, ur mine'. No Internet needed in that setting.

They sell binoculars on the outside market, too. I could never find out why do they sell binocs, beside the fruits and veggies. 

Xin is different than rest of the China. 

9 years 17 weeks ago
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@Shining-brow...Yes I know about buying food from Taobao.  But it's the delivery cost that makes it uneconomical.

For example, we wanted to buy some tinned tomatoes and they aren't available in our city, or nearby towns.  So, Taobao was the go.  Tinned tomatoes; Y8 for a 400gram can.  Good.

Delivery cost; Y250.  Not good. you see?  But Xinjiang is China.  Ummm..... city is 335km from Urumqi.  Further by train.


9 years 17 weeks ago
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Deliveries for online orders are high doesn't matter where you order from. That's how they make money, and that's why I disregard online orders.

I messed up. I thought, you're just some 40 km N of Fuk. I find my last reply very funny, but that's how is in Fuk. I must log-off.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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@icnif;  Yes, your reply busted me up too.  Good one!  

BTW....what kind of shit are you on?  Methinks it's not only alcohol.


9 years 17 weeks ago
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@icnif;  Yes, your reply busted me up too.  Good one!  

BTW....what kind of shit are you on?  Methinks it's not only alcohol.


9 years 17 weeks ago
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Sorry Royceh, no 'drugs & pharapernalia'. 2001 Highland Park from HK duty-free is still intact. My hesitation to pop the bottle is called 'continued ageing process' in culinary arts.

It must be 'I was born like that'.angel

However, I wasn't exaggerating with description of Fuk.'s 'housing project' park. If you come there before the big ''sheeps-eating'' holidays, there're animals tied up for anything possible to tie it on the park's lawn. In other cities in China, you can see kids and parents on the park's lawn, and in Fuk. only 'sheeps&goats&dispatchers'.

High powered binocs - military gear retail on outside market were also very strange in Fuk. And Urumqi, too. I was thinking, Uyghurs probably fuk with the Gov. a bit, but Hans are selling them also. It must be for 'choose my nicest animal from the floors above'. I can't find any other explanation for binocs retail.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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Yes, here too.  Animals being slaughtered all over the place and paths and grassed areas all covered in blood.

Last year I watched a couple of kids playing with the just severed head of some unfortunate beast.

Then, next day, blood stained skins mounted up on every other street corner.

It's culture.


9 years 17 weeks ago
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Man, you're telling me about the animal skins. I have an old Mac overcoat, which I want to 'protect' with sheep/goat skin (on the inside) for the winter. 

I need aprox. 3 squares of skin to make an inside coat. I looked at the prices of tanned goat skins in EU last year. 250 Eur and add 150 Eur for the tailor.

In Xin. and elswhere in China, price is around 500 Rmb (60 Eur) for 3 squares, buTT...Chinese skin is almost raw, dried on the sun, not tanned, so it's smelly and kind of 'still alive'. On Fuk.'s outside market, I could have skin of yesterday's alive animal for 60 Rmb, but what then?

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77